Sunday, August 31, 2014

FS 2 Episode 1

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Episode 1


As you visit a school and observe classes, use the activity forms to document your observation and write your insights or reflections.

Name of the School Observed: Central II Elementary School
School Address: Calamba City, Laguna Date of Visit: November 27, 2013
December 4, 2013
December 11, 2013
Grade/Year Level: Grade 3 Subject Area: Mathematics

  1. What principles in teaching-learning were commonly applied?

  • It was 27th day of November when I was first introduced to Central II Elementary School to observe, I was assigned to Grade 3 pupils of section Aries. It was their Mathematics subject and the teacher is Mrs. Luningning and their topic for the day is about measurements particularly the area of squares. I noticed that the teacher practice the principle of providing opportunities for learners. First, the teacher explains the topic itself, and then gives more examples so that the students will understand it better. After giving sample problems, the students are asked to participate. They are called randomly to answer the problem written on the blackboard. This type of approach is very effective because the students will also enhance their social interaction with his or her other classmates aside from their mental skills to solve the given problem, the reason why is that after answering the question, the students are asked to explain on how and what did they do to answer the question.

The following week on the 4th day of December, I was assigned to another section of Grade 3 pupils, their subject is Science and their teacher is Ma’am Che. By that time, they were checking their assignment, and the process of checking was good. They review each question one by one and recall their previous discussion. It is very effective, so that the teacher will know if the topic discussed was retained on the students mind and if the students really understand the subject topic that was discussed. After checking the

assignment, Ma’am Che proceeds to introduce a new topic. As a sort of review, the
teacher asked briefly what they discussed last meeting. And then going to the new topic, the principle of teaching-learning that was commonly applied was the wise use of resources. Ma’am Che presented a chart of the different kinds and layers of soil. The wise use of materials really caught the attention of students that made them retain their interest on the topic.

On the 11th day of December I was assigned to section Pisces of Grade 3. Ma’am May Ann is their teacher and the subject was Filipino. The teaching-learning that was applied is sharing of experiences of the teacher and the students. They are particularly discussing about Proper and Common Nouns and the students are asked to make their own constructed sentences out of the given proper and common nouns. The strategy used by the teacher is very effective because the students will be able to relate their experiences and all the other things that they know in constructing a sentence.

  1. What instructional materials were used in teaching?
Grade 3
  • Mathematics – Mrs. Luningning
The traditional chalk, eraser and blackboard were used by the teacher. Nothing will beat these traditional materials when it comes to solving problems in Mathematics. The chalk, eraser and blackboard are used to write the indicated problems.
  • Science- Ma’am Che
The instructional materials used by the teacher are charts, chalk, eraser, blackboard and microphone. She used the charts so that the students will be able to see clearly the kinds and layers of the soil; the chalk, eraser and blackboard for additional key words and examples for the pupils; and the microphone so that even the students are many inside the classroom they will be able to hear her properly.
  • Filipino- Ma’am May Ann
The instructional materials used by the teacher are manila papers, chalk, eraser and blackboard. The manila paper serves as visual aids for the students, wherein the topic to

be discussed was written; chalk, eraser and blackboard are used for additional notes that will help the students.

  1. Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive and positive motivational processes of learning?
  • As I observed all the principles as shown by the different teachers they have their own way on how they achieved the: cognitive; metacognitive; and motivational process of learning for the pupils.
In the cognitive aspect, wherein the intellectual operation from the lower level of simple recall of information to more complex one and the high- level of thinking process. It includes the students’ ability to recognize and recall the information taught; understand the meaning of the information; how to use the information; to generate new ideas and knowing the worth of the idea.
In the metacognitive aspect, includes the learners’ awareness of the information; having the interest of the subject matter; showing tentative belief on the value; and demonstrating consistent beliefs and behaviors that will relate their way of life.
In the positive motivational process of learning, involves the pupils’ all in all coordination; communication of one’s ideas and feelings.

Read an article on your answer. Paste a copy of such article here.

A motivational view of learning, performance, and behavior modification.
-Dalbir Bindra-
Psychological Review, Vol. 81

Advances a theory of learning which wholly discards the response-reinforcement principle. It attributes learned behavior modifications to the building of central representations of contingencies between situational stimuli and incentive stimuli; certain situational stimuli are thereby turned into conditioned incentive-discriminative stimuli. It is proposed that central motivational states, generated by the joint influence of organismic-state variables and unconditioned or conditioned incentive stimuli, influence the response-eliciting potency of particular situational stimuli. The specific response form that emerges is a fresh construction created by the momentary motivational state and the spatial-temporal distribution of various distal and contact discriminative-incentive stimuli in the situation. These and related working assumptions are shown to clarify certain long-standing problems of behavior theory and to provide a basis for deriving satisfactory interpretations of several hitherto perplexing phenomena of conditioning, motivational modulation of instrumental behavior, and observational learning.

Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experience.

  • It was really an experience to be remembered. Seeing the different strategies and approach the teachers are using to suit the different needs of the students. In my own opinion, it will really help the teacher if he or she knows the necessities of his or her students. This will help the teacher on how he or she would deal with students. Also providing and making use of your provided materials for the topic will enhance the students’ knowledge and will also make them interested on what the teacher is teaching. And also knowing whom students need extra attention will make the class as a whole more progressive. And after observing the class, I really appreciate the essence of giving assignments to the students. Giving assignments or home works will help them practice the topic discussed to them, aside from this it will also help them to furnish their skills and abilities. Another thing is that, a class is composed of different learners’ it is very effective if the teacher know how to handle them, the teacher should promote equality for all of the students. And having a lesson plan is a must, so that the teacher will have a goal to achieve for the students, it is also a teacher’s guide on what to do for the students.


  1. If you are still around... i would like you to help me about my field study subjects... kindly post all your field studies: from field study 1 to 6 and it's all complete answers... its a very great pleasure to get an ideas to your field studies... it helps me a lot to my subject field study subject... i am hoping for your urgent reply about this matter... thanks and more power...

  2. thank you so much Ma'am Shiela :)

  3. ang galing nyo po...thank you for this file

  4. interesting ma'am thank you, I've learned a lot ..

  5. Thank you so much maam shiela. I apprciate it so much😍

  6. Thank you so much ma'am Shie.❤
